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Homeward Bound of Western North Carolina

Homeward Bound of Western North Carolina operates AHOPE Day Shelter so that individuals experiencing homelessness have a safe, supportive stable environment during the daylight hours when overnight shelters are closed. AHOPE, located in downtown Asheville, NC, serves approximately 275 individuals daily. AHOPE delivers critical client services 5 days a week, providing a place for hundreds of our homeless neighbors to pick up mail, store their possessions, take a shower and more. As the front door to our housing services, we connect people who are homeless to housing and also help divert people from homelessness by finding relatives or friends who can house them or referring them to needed resources. In 2022, AHOPE served 1207 individuals, conducted 398 vulnerability studies, and diverted 76 individuals from homelessness. For those of us luck enough to live in housing, home is where the hear tis. For those experiencing homelessness in Asheville, AHOPE is where their start is. The path to housing services, our like permanent supportive housing at Compass Point Village, Woodfin Apartments, Key Commons, and in our scattered site homes, begins at AHOPE Day Center. Click the link below to learn more about Homeward Bounds AHOPE Day Center (have tissues handy.)

Crystal Snover

19 N. Ann Street
Asheville, NC 28801
(828) 774-6954

What we need most

Water, coffee, energy bars, jelly & jams, peanut butter, packaged prepared foods, prepared packaged, snacks, bottled drinks. We do not have a full kitchen. All prepared foods are greatly appreciated.

Homeward Bound of Western North Carolina is a non-profit organization.

Get involved today by enrolling your shelter.