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Coachella Valley Rescue Mission

CVRM provides for the emergency needs of the impoverished and destitute of the Coachella Valley through shelter and food services, rehabilitation programs, spiritually-based counseling, education, job skills, and transitional living. CVRM serves 900 meals a day. CVRM provides showers, clothing, and three meals and is open 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

Kimberly McKinney

47470 Van Buren
Indio, CA 92202
(760) 347-3512

What we need most

Our pantry needs: rice, beans, pasta, energy bars, bottled water, small cans of tuna, lunch meats, peanut butter, Fresh fruit vegetables, meat, chicken, turkey, pork, milk, yogurt. Emergency drinks, crackers with cheese, or peanut butter and canned fruit.

Coachella Valley Rescue Mission is a non-profit organization.

Get involved today by enrolling your shelter.