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Soul's Harbor Homeless Shelter

60% of the chronic homeless population is because of substance abuse. Soul's Harbor was established in August of 1956. Almost 10 years ago we changed our substance abuse recovery model to a 6 month holistic approach (modelled after expensive treatment centers like Betty Ford). We offer cognitive, spiritual, physical, peer, therapeutic, and relationship approaches to substance abuse recovery. I know of no other shelter in the entire USA that is providing this level of service to their homeless residents. We have a full time therapist onsite and a psychiatrist available via skype. To give you an example of one of our many approaches to substance abuse recovery - on the physical aspect we offer yoga, cross fit and personal trainer. To learn more about our unique program - go to our website and click on "The Harbor Program". Our homeless residents who complete our mandatory 6 month substance abuse program and continue with our additional optional 9 month aftercare program have a 96% long term sobriety success rate.

Brent Burmaster

13134 Nile Drive
Dallas, TX 75253

What we need most

Fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, any non perishable items. Dairy products. Really, any kind of food.

Soul's Harbor Homeless Shelter is a non-profit organization.

Get involved today by enrolling your shelter.