
Beacon, Inc

The mission of Beacon, Inc is to aid and empower people experiencing, hunger, homelessness, and poverty. We extend community beyond the margins to include those not served by society. We invite all people into our safe and welcoming space. Recognizing the many challenges our guests struggle with on a daily basis, we place as few barriers as possible between our guests and our services and resources. A Friend's Place is the name of our emergency shelter and is the only non-religious shelter in a six-county region. We have beds for 50 men and women who would otherwise be sleeping on the streets.

Emily Hewitt

620 S Walnut St
Bloomington, IN 47401

What we need most

Coffee, bottled water, pastas, rice, fresh fruits and veggies

Beacon, Inc is a non-profit organization.

Get involved today by enrolling your shelter.