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Destiny Helpers Outreach Inc.

Destiny Helpers Outreach Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Organization based in Brooklyn, NY. We serve at risk youth and families living in shelters by providing personal care packages, hosting educational and training, social and recreational programs to improve their lives. Our goal is to change live positively, one individual, one community at a time. We are especially seeking personal care products for families.

TrudyAnn Williams

1249 Remsen Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11236
(929) 324-7160

What we need most

Rice, beans, pasta, juice, water, flour, sugar, salt, poultry, eggs, onions, oranges, strawberries, plums, apples, peaches, tangerines, kiwis, carrots, Irish potatoes, garlic

Destiny Helpers Outreach Inc. is a non-profit organization.

Get involved today by enrolling your shelter.