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Eddie Beard Veterans House

The Eddie Beard Homeless Veterans’ Housing Program (Vet House) targets veterans who have lived on the streets, in emergency shelters, in places not meant for human habitation or released from an institution where they resided for less than 90 days and were homeless prior to being institutionalized. Participants live with multiple challenges such as mental illness, drug/alcohol addictions, HIV/AIDS, physical and/or developmental disabilities, PTSD, educational and work skills deficiencies, and long histories of chronic homelessness and justice involvement. The project employs a low-barrier admissions policy with no preconditions regarding income or sobriety and serves 33 homeless male veterans at any one time (averaging 110 per year) utilizing a strength based, person-centered case management approach. The goal of the project is to accurately assess the housing and employment needs of the participants in an effort to rapidly transition clients to permanent housing and long-term stability

Jackie Edens

8040 S. Western Ave
Chicago, IL 60620
(312) 994-5841

What we need most

We are trying to eat more healthy foods!

Eddie Beard Veterans House is a non-profit organization.

Get involved today by enrolling your shelter.