
The Salvation Army Crossroads Shelter

Crossroads is an emergency family shelter for family's to stay up to 90 days. The families meet with a case manager to work towards implementing goals resulting in the main goal of obtaining affordable, permanent housing.

Kimberly Bloss

14704 E Truman Rd
Independence, MO 64050
(816) 461-1093

What we need most

1% Milk, cottage cheese, salad, shredded cheese, cheese slices, butter, sugar, chili, hot dogs, hamburger patties, chicken, tuna, tropical fruit, big cans of green beans/corn, baked beans, ketchup, ranch, spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, peaches, coffee, tea bags, cooking spray, rice, saltines, salsa, soup

The Salvation Army Crossroads Shelter is a non-profit organization.

Get involved today by enrolling your shelter.