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Good Shepherd Center, Inc.

--Fresh Start: a comprehensive in-house substance abuse recovery program based on the Matrix Module Program lasting at least 6 months in duration. --Housing Reestablishment Program: An on-campus and off-campus program to help community members find and maintain stable and safe housing. --Medical respite beds for men recovering from illness or injury. In cooperation with UNM Hospital and Healthcare for the Homeless. --Community meals for all Monday through Saturday. --Men's clothing, as well as blankets and outerwear for those in need. --Mail service for those in need of a stable address for mail. --Referrals for other community services.

Heather Mattax

218 Iron Ave. SW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
5052432527 ext 303

What we need most

Canned meats, pasta, rice, canned tomato products including spaghetti sauce, bottled water (especially during the desert summer),

Good Shepherd Center, Inc. is a non-profit organization.

Get involved today by enrolling your shelter.