
Operation Address The Homeless

Operation Address The Homeless We have been helping the homeless in our community since 2014, and in 2017 we finally founded Operation Address The Homeless. We are a 501c3 and registered in the state of Pennsylvania and the city of Allentown as a community center. We currently provide meals, showers, grooming, clothing and laundry services for those who are homeless. Our hours of operation are Monday Wednesday and Friday 4-7. Our goal is to transition our building (or buy a new one) which will serve as transitional housing housing for our clients. When we started there was a need for not only food programs these people could go to, but also a need for work. What Operation Address The Homeless does is a little different than other homeless programs. Operation Address The Homeless isn't just offering meals, we also offer job training and job placement for qualifying clients through OATH Builders a construction company we created to offer employment to homeless men and women looking to improve their lives. We make sure they have the direction and resources they need to secure jobs like helping them obtain identification, (which is a big reason most homeless are unable to get or keep jobs) so they can make their own money and get themselves back on their feet. We have many clients who we have helped to find work, homes, and the financial security to sustain themselves. Our program makes it possible for them to get back to being a productive member of our community. Many have opted to remain involved with the program "paying it forward" to help others like themselves who are homeless. Our client list has included everything from homeless vets suffering from PTSD, women and children of domestic violence and trafficking, to people who suffer from addiction, job loss, and medical bills. In addition to all this we also do annual winter coat drives, a annual Thanksgiving meal, and many other events throughout the year for our community homeless.

Jennifer Miklus

221 n 7th st
Allentown, PA 18102
(610) 351-0760

What we need most

Energy bars, bottled water, and any non perishable items.

Operation Address The Homeless is a non-profit organization.

Get involved today by enrolling your shelter.