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Northwoods Alliance for Temporary Housing, Inc (NA

Northwoods Alliance for Temporary Housing, Inc. (NATH) owns and operates Frederick Place, a 16-bed emergency, temporary shelter for families, women and men who are experiencing homelessness. NATH is committed to ending and preventing homelessness. NATH exists to provide safe housing and basic needs within an atmosphere of encouragement, respect, dignity, and hope, while nurturing and promoting self-sufficiency and independence. NATH’s service area includes Forest, Langlade, Lincoln, Oneida, and Vilas Counties. Promotion of public awareness of homelessness is done by partnering with Northwood’s resource agencies and by educating the communities in our service area.

Abbey Dall Lukowski

PO Box 913
204 W Frederick St
(715) 369-9777

What we need most

Bottled Water, Sugar, Coffee, Coffee Creamer, chlorox wipes, paper towels, napkins, toliet paper, toliet bowl cleaner

Northwoods Alliance for Temporary Housing, Inc (NA is a non-profit organization.

Get involved today by enrolling your shelter.