
Salt Lake City Mission

Salt Lake City Mission is a non-profit Inner-City Church based Rescue Mission Ministry. We are called to minister to men, women and children in the Salt Lake Region who are caught in the cycles of poverty, hopelessness, and dependencies of many kinds. We provide the basic essentials like: food; clothing; blankets; sleeping bags; hygiene items to the homeless and others in need. We have services that assist in crisis intervention and counseling, job counseling and placement, educational assistance; birth certificates & I.D assistance. We offer a residential rehabilitation program to men who are struggling, and those who are desperately in need of a renewed life. We have a daily shuttle service bringing the homeless to our Day Center to seek assistance through the support programs we offer. We coordinate all of our efforts through networking with other organizations in order to obtain the maximum assistance possible for our clientele. We are committed to help those who are destitute and homeless change their lives, and again become self-sufficient, productive members of society. Our hope is in the One True God. We pray for those who come to us in need of life change to be transformed through the love and power of Jesus Christ. We offer our available resources and services, and assist everyone with a genuine need, regardless of race, creed, political and or religious affiliation, gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, age, national origin or religious beliefs.

Joe Vazquez

1151 S. Redwood Rd
Suite 106
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
(801) 355-6310

What we need most

Bottled water, granola bars, energy bars, drinks, pasta sauce, pasta, macaroni and cheese, easy mac, ramen, rice and beans.

Salt Lake City Mission is a non-profit organization.

Get involved today by enrolling your shelter.