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Community Action Alger Marquette

Betty Mills Food For Shelters program will allow us to assist 80 students/families as 50% of the families that we serve are below the poverty line and 10% of the families are homeless per McKinney Vento. Many of the families lack the access to transportation, this area does not have a grocery store creating a food desert.

Michelle LaJoie

1125 Commerce Drive
Marquette, MI 49855
906-228-6522 x 208

What we need most

Foods that are easy to heat up (microwavable) such as oatmeal cups, mac & cheese cups, ramen noodles, cheese sticks, meat sticks, crackers & cheese, dry cereal, granola bars, energy bars, and a big item would be any type of fresh fruit.

Community Action Alger Marquette is a non-profit organization.

Get involved today by enrolling your shelter.